
Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie Interesse haben, bei uns Ihre Bachelor- oder Masterthesis zu schreiben. Gerne betreuen wir auch das Study Project für Umweltingenieure oder die Projektarbeit für Ingenieurökologie. 

Unsere Themengebiete

Der Lehrstuhl für Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung bietet praktische und theoretische Master- und Bachelorarbeiten aus einem breiten Fachgebiet an:

  • städtische Bodenordnung
  • ländliche Bodenordnung
  • Kombination der Bodenordnungsinstrumente nach Baugesetzbuch (BauGB) und Flurbereinigungsgesetz
  • Oekologie und Landschaftsplanung in Verbindung mit Bodenordnung
  • Geographische Informationssysteme in Verbindung mit Bodenordnug
  • Landentwicklung
  • Dorferneuerung
  • Nachhaltigkeit
  • Regionalmanagement/interkommunale Gemeindeentwicklung

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> Kontaktdaten Betreuer*innen

Titel / Topic

Kurzbeschreibung / Description

Betreuer*in / Supervisor

geeignet für / for

Use remote sensing  to make assessment of vitality, versatility and vulnerability of rural villages - 3VRUT Project

Several rural regions and communities in Europe and Japan (as in other parts of the world) are now dealing with global crises or have to prepare to face them. These crises include global pandemics, political threats, refugee-related migration, economy-related rural depopulation, and environment-related climate change. To face them, communities in rural regions urgently require strategies to tackle those challenges. Resilience strategies are scattered and often based only on tangible and visible symptoms and indicators, whereby a lot of intangible yet crucial aspects are neglected. Also, those strategies tend to deal based on “one threat at a time”. Different organizations have provided resilient tools to deal with specific catastrophes or some specific dimensions (environment, socio-economic development, infrastructure, etc.). However, the few instruments allow looking at the vulnerability and vitality of rural communities holistically. Finally, when it comes to community resilience, many would not disagree with the statement that a significant focus has been put in recent years on larger cities and agglomeration. Without being ignored, rural communities still deserve some more attention while knowing that rural challenges are quite diverse from one region to another. For instance, rural communities in Japan sometimes seem different from those in Germany, and rural towns in Spain often deal with different priorities than those in Poland. Those differences are sometimes even significant between rural communities of the same region.

Aim / Purpose

The aim of 3VRUT is to develop a methodology to evaluate, quantify, and classify the risks and threats that exist at the junction of cyberspace and physical space in rural settings in the developed world. For this, understanding the 3Vs (Vitality, Vulnerability and Versatility) of rural societies is critical. The evaluation of the 3Vs will be done through a combination of approaches to study the population trends, aging, transportation and commuting, agriculture and food availability, urban morphology and landscape transition, electricity, water, and digital connectivity in two rural towns per country in Japan, Germany, Poland and Spain. The direct objective of the study is to combine remote sensing technologies with machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in order to spot and predict changes in socio-economic behavior and opportunities in the rural setting.


·       An integrated conceptualization, methodology, and set of indicators to verify and validate the degree of vitality, vulnerability and versatility (3Vs) of rural towns using remote sensing, socio-economic data, telecommunication and mobile data, ground interviews and ethnography.

·       A digital report for the local governments (in the local language) that integrates the 3Vs in the diagnosis of the selected rural towns, for them to make the necessary action plans to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

·       A series of statements about the vitality and vulnerability conditions of rural communities through the Publication publication of results in three leading journals and international conferences.

·       A policy brief for discussions at the United Nations SDG Forum.

·       A start-up of transnational collaboration on land management and geospatial sciences.

Vineet Chaturvedi Master
Analyzing Land Use Dynamics in the Amazon: A Comparative Study of Amazonian Aquatic Ecosystems and Terra Firme

Objective: This research topic aims to explore and compare the land use dynamics within the Amazon Hydrographic Basin, with a specific focus on the Amazonian Aquatic Ecosystems (AAE) versus Terra Firme regions. The study will delve into the patterns of land abandonment, the transition of deforested old growth to secondary forests, and the residence time of secondary forests before they are potentially cleared again. This investigation will provide insights into the cyclical use of lands by the local communities, particularly the ribeirinhos, and hypothesize on the impact of soil fertility, influenced by inundation pulses, on the duration cleared lands remain fallow in the AAE.

Key Areas of Investigation:
1. Deforestation and Secondary Forests: Calculate the percentage of old growth forests that have been deforested and subsequently transitioned into secondary forests within both the AAE and Terra Firme areas. This will provide a quantitative basis to understand reforestation dynamics and the prevalence of secondary growth.
2. Residence Time of Secondary Forests: Assess the average duration that secondary forests persist before being cleared again. This metric will help evaluate the sustainability of land use practices and the regenerative capacity of the forest ecosystems in different regions of the Amazon.
3. Comparative Dynamics between AAE and Terra Firme: By comparing these dynamics between the AAE and Terra Firme, the study aims to uncover distinct patterns of land use and management. The hypothesis that cleared lands may persist longer in AAE due to enhanced soil fertility from inundation will be critically examined.
4. Implications for Land Management Policies: The findings from this study are expected to inform more sustainable land management policies by understanding the nuances of land use dynamics in these regions. It will particularly focus on the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the AAE in the context of the broader Amazon basin.

This research topic encourages a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating geographical information systems (GIS), remote sensing, soil science, and social sciences to provide a comprehensive understanding of the land use dynamics in one of the world's most vital ecological regions. Through this comparative study, we aim to contribute to the development of sustainable land management strategies that consider the ecological, social, and economic dimensions of the Amazon.

Dr. Edivando Vitor do Couto Master
Land grabbing and large-scale resources extraction Effective resource extraction depends on adequate predicitons where and how to optimize revenue as compared to cost for extraction. Locaiton -wise this can howeverr occur in areas where communal land tenure exists, and/or where mining companies aim to acquire land. This study aims to study to which extent ideal mining areas correspond to where large-scaleland acqiustion occurs. It amkes use of an extensive database predicting ideal mining areas and conmpares this with the data from land matrix.  Walter T. de Vries Study project, Bachelor and/or Master
Measuring vitality and vibrancy of rural areas using European Geospatial data repositories of rural development  This study aims at using the European geospatial repositories such as - an evaluation of rural.vision.europe.eu  - to determine variations of vitality and vibrancy and to predict with the combinaitons of available data sets  where and why either improvements of decline of these indicator values occur.   Walter T. de Vries Study project, Bachelor and/or Master
Ethical concerns in land information systems - case of social profiling  Land information is not neutral. Instead, it comes with potential ethical concerns or when, how and when to use and apply it, such as its ability of social and socio-spatial profiling, unintended mass behavior, privacy concerns and unvoluntary surveillance possibilities. This research aims at generating a theoretical and practical comparative and interpretative assessment and comparison of cases, studies, jurisdiction of ethical issues in land management and land information systems in different institutional and societal contexts. This should result in a (better) assessment of how, when and where potential ethical concerns have arisen and are arising, and which tools, mechanisms and instruments can be used to deal with these.    Walter T. de Vries Study project, Bachelor and/or Master
Legal concerns in land information systems Land information often has legal authority, implying there are consequences if the land information is not properly collected or used. Therefore the legal use, abilities, value and scope of authority differs depending on how much this is legally specified or not. In recording formal and informal rights the legal validity of land information may differ. How can one deal with this situation. The goal of this research is to dervie an overview and comparative assessment of legal aspects of land information under different legal regimes.    Walter T. de Vries Study project, Bachelor and/or Master
Digitalisation and integration of land administration and land use planning This study aims at determining where and how land administration and land management practices can be better integrated using digital technologies. The study will have to rely on interpreting the results of preliminary surveys and the existing FIG publication no. 80 on digitalisation   - www.fig.net/resources/publications/figpub/pub80/figpub80.asp - in order to classify problems, and possible pathways for improvement. Walter T. de Vries Study project, Bachelor and/or Master
The social obligation of ownership - effects on formal and informal tenure Article 14(2) of the German consitution states that Property obliges. Its use should at the same time serve the common good. This so-called social (or relational) obligation of ownership (also social commitment of property) in Germany is a legal and social philosophical principle. What does this principle actually mean, and how and where is it used? what are the legal implications and limitations of this principle? And, how universal is it? Can one be punished if one does not meet this requirement, and what sort of punishments exist. This research aims at evaluating the use, scope, implications of this principle in the Germany or any other country's context. What sort of cases and jurisprudence exist which refer to or rely on this article? How relevant and adequate is it? This research aims at making a thorough overview, analysis and interpretation of the principle, both in Germany and comparatively in other countries - where either similar principles exist, or where the principle is fundamentally different.  Walter T. de Vries Study project, Bachelor and/or Master
The social obligation of ownership - responsibilities, sanctions and coercion mechanisms Article 14(2) of the German consitution states that Property obliges. This so-called social (or relational) obligation of ownership (also social commitment of property) in Germany is a legal and social philosophical principle. What does this principle actually mean in terms of sanctions, penalties,coercion mechanisms? How can one enforce people to adhere to this, and what happens if one doesn't? How often do penalties or sancitons occur, and what do these consist of? This research aims at making a thorough overview, analysis and interpretation of the consequetial principles, both in Germany and comparatively in other countries - where either similar principles exist, or where the principle is fundamentally different.  Walter T. de Vries Study project, Bachelor and/or Master
Who owns the earth (i.e. the land, the forest and the water)  There are several organisations, tools and mechanisms worldwide who aim to make a global inventory of various types of land rights and transactions in land rights.  Among these are the RRO global state of indigenous, afro-descendant, and local community land rights (Rights and Resources Initiative 2023) and Land Matrix. This study aims at making an analysis of the global repositories by classifying their goals, aims, completeness, quality and actuality of data, and ways of operation.  Also, who are their users, and what kind of use / purpose do they serve. How do these compare to each other and to conventional cadastres and land registries?   Walter T. de Vries Study project, Bachelor and/or Master
Who owns resources in outer space? Evaluation and interpretation of legal agreements from a land management perspective This conceptual study aims at interpreting available legal conventions which deal with outer space. It should derive a systematic overview of who owns what, who has a right to what and how are rights determined   - based on land management perspectives and theories.    Walter T. de Vries Study project, Bachelor and/or Master
Design and assessment of Marine cadastres - based on cases in south east Asia Marine cadastres record and register (transaction in) rights, responsibilities and responsibilities in area or volumes of water, mostly in coastal regions and along riversheds, but also in sea and ocean waters. This research aims at comparing, evaluating, designing and use of marine cadastres and marine cadastral data models in different and specific institutional, biophysical and societal contexts. Goal is to derive a comparative compilation of best practices, current developments, problems and limitations, opportunities and risks of marine cadastres.   Walter T. de Vries Study project, Bachelor and/or Master


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