Distributed Geographic Information Systems and Cloud Computing
- This course introduces students to distributed geographic information systems and the fundamentals of cloud-based computing.
- Both lectures and exercises will be conducted in English.
- The curriculum of the course includes lectures and exercises after each topic.
- Course contents, exercise materials and announcements will be posted on the course moodle page.
- Lessons and exercises are held in different classes and the dates of the lessons and exercises may vary according to the course schedule. Students are advised to check the moodle web page regularly.

Course Contents
- System architectures
- Computer networks and the Internet
- Spatial Data Infrastructures
- Web services and APIs for geospatial data
- Web mapping
- Virtualization and containers / Cloud computing
- Securing Web applications / Access control
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students will have learned the following:
- The conceptual and physical components of Internet and network-based infrastructures and how they affect cloud-based applications
- Architectures of geographic web services and strategies for integrating them into applications, interaction of web services with both the user and other applications
- Differences in the use of spatial data in geographic information system applications and the technologies behind them
For any queries regarding this course - lecture and exercise content, course dates, exam information, etc. please reach out to the following staff members.
M.Sc. Murat Kendir
- E-Mail: murat.kendir(at)tum.de