Project LUISE (Lunar in-situ resource experiment) focused on the utilization of in-situ ressources on the Moon. With regard to future manned missions and the long-term utilization of the Moon it is necessary to use the available ressources. In this project emphasis was given to the thermal extraction of solar-wind-implanted particles (SWIPs).
Duration: July 2009 to September 2011 (Continuation through LUISE-2)
Final report: Link
The project was funded by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) under contract number 50JR0902.

The scope of project LUISE-2 (Technologies for lunar gas-extraction experiments) was to determine the thermal and mechanical properties of lunar regolith that are important for the transport of lunar samples and the thermal extraction of volatile content. Within this project alternative methods for volatile extraction were investigated under lunar environmental conditions, which are also interesting for future In-situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) applications.
Duration: June 2012 until May 2016
Final report: Link
The project was funded by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) under contract number 50JR1210.