Herzlich willkommen am Lehrstuhl für Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung

Welcome to the Chair of Land Management at TUM!


The Chair of Land Management is hosting the annual PLPR-Conference from the 18th until the 22nd of March 2024

The International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR) will hold its 18th annual conference from the 18th until the 22nd of March 2024 in Munich (Germany).
The event will be hosted by the Chair of Land Management of the Technical University of Munich.
Annual PLPR conferences provide an opportunity to present scholarship covering a broad array of topics residing at the intersection of planning, law, and/or property rights (such as land use regulation and governance, regional and local planning, urban development, etc.).

Find more information on the conference-website https://plpr2024.bole.ed.tum.de/



Online seminar was held on 19th May 2023 to present the work in progress for the 3 VRUT project.

The seminar is an initiative of the Polish partner, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, and is supported by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR). The seminar was attended by all the partners of the consortium: the Technical University of Munich (Germany), the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain), and RESTEC (Japan).

Luc  Ampleman from Jan Kochanowski University, Poland presided over the seminar and gave the overall progress of the project and the aims achieved in the first year and put forward the activities for the second and final year of the project. The presentation was a reminder of projects aims, challenges and progress. This was followed by presentations by RESTEC, Japan on applying machine learning algorithms using open-source Landsat satellite data processing on Google Earth Engine and comparing results from supervised and unsupervised classification with socioeconomic variables of urban growth for the Japanese cases.

All the partners presented the outcome of the work initiated at the Munich workshop and presented the results of first algorithm test and calibration in the 8 case studies. Technical University of Munich, presented the results of the detailed classification performed on high resolution Orthophotos for the 2 German towns of Bayerisch Eisenstein and Tuchenbach. RESTEC, Japan presented their work on the interaction between the physical and cyber space in Japan addressing the issue of cyberthreats. Jan Kochanowski University, Poland presented actantial model which redefines vitality and vulnerability for rural regions. The final presentation was by Prof. de Vries on challenge of conceptualising vitality” Key take-aways from the FIG paper conference.

The seminar was concluded with questions and answers session and discussion on the key takeaways from the seminar and the next steps to be taken by the consortium members. Overall, the seminar was a success and presented an overview of all the activities that have been undertaken in the last year and discussion on the way forward.