Herzlich willkommen am Lehrstuhl für Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung

Welcome to the Chair of Land Management at TUM!



Graduation Ceremony 2017 for the Outgoing MSc Students of Land Management and Land Tenure

On Monday, March 27th, the Graduation Ceremony for all successful graduates of the Masters' Program Land Management and Land Tenure of the academic year of 2017 took place at the TU München. The ceremony was hosted by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ir. Walter de Vries, the Director of the Masters' Program, and the Program Coordinator Dr. Arch. Pamela Duran Diaz.

Dr. Duran opened the ceremony with a warm welcoming to the graduates and the guests that attended the ceremony. Following, Prof. de Vries held a speech, pointing out the good work the graduates had done during their time at TUM and encouraged the graduates to keep on working in this field of study in their home countries in order to make a change and help develop their countries' Land Management and Land Tenure into more sustainable and modern levels.

Not all graduates could attend the ceremony in person, however, they weren't left out in the ceremony. Prof. de Vries called up every graduate personally to hand over the Diploma. Some of the graduates had brought their families to the ceremony so that the room was filled with pride and joy.

Especially one graduate is to mention here, Mr. Dimas Yoga Rukmana, who received the President's Award this year for his outstanding achievements during his studies at the TUM. He held a speech in which he mentioned all experiences he was able to make and the new friends he made during his time at the University and he expressed his gratitude towards everyone in his batch, his family and the Faculty.

Following the official ceremony, there was a joyful get together after some words of appreciation from Prof. de Vries towards the whole team of the Chair of Land Management, with some snacks and drinks. Everybody stood together in a cheerful mood and even some of the students that we welcomed in our Program past September had attended the ceremony to cheer for the graduates and pay their farewell to them. This is a great sign of how close the students in our program work together and the bonds that have developed even between the students of different years.

The Chair wants to wish the Graduates 2017 all the best for their future and congratulates them on their successful graduation!