Herzlich willkommen am Lehrstuhl für Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung

Welcome to the Chair of Land Management at TUM!



Great Geodetic Excursion 2022

36 German and international students participated in the Great Geodetic Excursion from June 7-10. We were on an exciting journey through Saxony and Brandenburg.

60th ERSA Congress - S27-S1 New working spaces, resilience, and peripheral areas during the Covid-19 pandemic

Basierend auf Berichten von 14 europäischen Mitgliedern der COST Action CA18214 (2019-2023) ‘The Geography of New Working Spaces and the Impact on the Periphery’ haben die Leader der Workgroup WG2 ATLAS Mina Akhavan, Divya Ledouq und Marco Hölzel die Auswirkungen der Coivd-19 Pandemie auf neue…

New Joint Research Project 3VRUT - Vitality, Vulnerability and Versatility of Rural Societies at the time of Cyber and Physical Threats

We are proud to announce that the Technical University of Munich, Chair of Landmanagement, Professor De Vries, Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC), Jan Kochanowski in Kielce (UJK) and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-Barcelona Tech) have entered into a collaborative agreement…

FIG article of the month: Identifying which human aspects play a crucial role in land consolidation processes

FIG publishes each month the FIG Article of the Month. This is a high-level paper focusing on interesting topic to all surveyors. The Article of the Month June is written by Walter Timo de Vries, Germany Identifying which human aspects play a crucial role in land consolidation processes. The article…

International Alumni Webinar (10.2. - 31.3.2021)

The TUM LMLT International Alumni Webinar 2021 is to provide a platform for alumni and guest lecturers of MSc Land Management and Land Tenure Program to reflect and share internal experiences and perspectives on the future of land management. The event is organised as a series of 8 webinars taking…