
Royal Aeronautical Society Munich Branch Willy-Messerschmitt Lecture 2022 at Deutschen Museum

Science for everyone

Unconventional small aircraft for tomorrow's skies. The rapid technological advances of recent years in areas ranging from automation to propulsion to manufacturing are opening up new possibilities in aviation.


New Modules online - Winter Semester 2022


March, 31st 2022

New Modules online - Summer Semester 2022


January 2022

Book Release

Between Sea and Sky: Aerial Aquatic Locomotion in Miniature Robots
Authors: Raphael Zufferey, Robert Siddall, Sophie F. Armanini, Mirko Kovac

September, 30th 2021

New Modules online - Winter Semester 2021


July 2nd, 2021

Members of the EAV lab were hosted by EMPA, Zürich, for a week of field tests in collaboration with marine and robotics researchers from EMPA and Imperial College London, respectively.
The tests were aimed at demonstrating new approaches for water sampling based on different aerial-aquatic robots.
The envisaged robots could provide substantial support in essential tasks such as water quality monitoring.




June 9th, 2021

Sophie Armanini will be a guest speaker at the “Robot Talk” live webinar organised by the UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems Network, on Friday 18 June.


June 8th, 2021

Sophie Armanini is guest editor of the special issue “Biomimetics in Aerospace Systems” in “Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering”.


June 1st, 2021

We welcome our two new research assistants

David Lampl und Luca Romanello !

March 23rd, 2021

New Modules online - Summer Semester 2021



October 15th, 2020

New at TUM: Prof. Sophie Armanini

Since October 15, 2020, Sophie Armanini is new on the campus in Ottobrunn/Taufkirchen. As professor for eAviation she will dedicate herself to the research of novel electric and hybrid flight systems.

Air vehciles connect people and markets worldwide and are therefore a fundamental part of our society. Rapid advances in automation are enabling completely new applications such as the use of unmanned air vehicles in industrial maintenance. However, the impact of air traffic on the environment and not least the current corona crisis also call for new approaches to airborne mobility. Electric and hybrid aviation research is one of these innovative approaches.

The use of electric propulsion places different demands on the aircraft system than conventional propulsion does. This offers scope for unconventional designs that can look and be constructed in a completely different way to traditional aircraft cases. Sophie Armanini's research will focus on these unconventional solutions for manned and unmanned air vehicles and transportation needs. She will evaluate the potential of new flight mechanics, control and propulsion solutions and will focus on sustainable flight solutions, especially electric and hybrid flight.

The young scientist was appointed by TUM to the professorship for "eAviation" on October 15, 2020, and is located on the Ludwig Boelkow Campus in Ottobrunn/Taufkirchen. She is already the fourth of a total of 30 new professors who will strengthen the Department of Aerospace and Geodesy, making it the largest department of its kind in Europe.

Sophie Armanini (*1990) studied at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and received her doctorate in aerospace engineering from the Technical University of Delft. She was a visiting researcher at Cornell University in the USA and Cranfield University in Great Britain. Most recently, she was a Research Associate at Imperial College London, where she worked on multi-modal unmanned air vehicle dynamics and control.

"I am excited to join the team at the newest TUM campus in Ottobrunn/Taufkirchen," says Sophie Armanini, who is the youngest professor in the new department. "Together with my new colleagues, I look forward to contributing to a more sustainable aviation landscape".