
3DCityDB Webclient showcased by Cesium virtual globe


The 3DCityDB Webclient developed by the Chair of Geoinformatics has been featured as a showcase on the homepage of Cesium. For more information and details, please refer to the web page at following link:

Cesium Virtual Globe is an Open Source virtual 3D globe developed by Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI). It utilizes HTML5 and the Web Graphics Library (WebGL) for hardware-accelerated 3D graphics, and enables cross-platform and cross-browser 3D visualization of spatial data. In the last few years, Cesium has gained tremendous popularity worldwide.

The 3DCityDB Webclient uses Cesium Virtual Globe as its 3D geo-visualization engine and facilitates interactive 3D visualization and exploration of large semantic 3D city models. The development team of the Webclient comprises of two PhD candidates from the Chair, M.Sc. Zhihang Yao and M.Sc. Kanishk Chaturvedi under the supervision of Prof. Thomas H. Kolbe.

In 2015, the 3DCityDB Webclient received the award "Best Students Contribution" in the "Web3D city modeling competition" sponsored by the annual ACM SIGGRAPH Web3D Conference in cooperation with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). For more information and details, please refer to the web page at following link: