
ERC Starting Grant

Der Europäische Forschungsrat fördert das Projekt VOLARIS von Prof. Dr. Philipp Reiß mit einem ERC Starting Grant! Pressemeldung der TUM:…

Chair of Land Management contributes to DGK-LIM doctoral workshop at TU Darmstadt

The Chair of Land Management contributed with 6 presentations and 1 workshop to the yearly DGK-LIM doctoral seminar, which took place at the TU…

Siyuan Li from Imperial College London completes his PREP internship at the Chair of Land Management

Siyuan Li from the Imperial College London in the UK, strategic partner of TUM, completed his 2-month TUM Practical Research Experience Program (PREP)…

Zahran Sofyan Falahuddin and Intan Nasiha Jatmiko from Diponegoro University (UNDIP) complete their internship period at the Chair of Land Management

Zahran Sofyan Falahuddin and Intan Nasiha Jatmiko from Diponegoro University (UNDIP) completed their internship period at the Chair of Land…

Felicitas Sommer im Interview über die Mietpreisbremse in der Tagesschau-Dokumentation und der ARD Sendung Plusminus

Für ein gemeinsames Forschungsprojekt des Lehrstuhls mit der LMU wurden 10.000 Mieter befragt. Ein Ergebnis der Studie: Nur 2,4 Prozent der…