Hubschrauber Einsätze in Offshore Windparks (HeliOW) im 6. Energieforschungsprogramm der Bundesregierung

In this joint project, the influence of offshore wind turbines and their wakes on the flight dynamics of helicopters operating in or near wind farms will be investigated. The results from piloted simulations will lead to a set of recommendations for safe flight procedures, regulations, and safety margins for operating helicopters in offshore wind farms. The Chair of Helicopter Technology at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) will develop a real-time, fully-coupled fluid mechanics/flight mechanics model for piloted simulations under the influence of wind turbine wakes and structures, including arbitrary boundary conditions computed in real-time. The influence of the wake and the atmospheric conditions on the rotorcraft flight dynamics and pilot behavior will be investigated, boundaries of safe flight operation will be examined, safe helicopter flight trajectories determined, and the fully-coupled developed flight simulation can be used for pilot training under the difficult operating conditions in offshore wind farms.

Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Rauleder
Bastian Horvat, M.Sc.