
EuroTechPostdoc2 Programme Applications open

EuroTech Universities to offer 70 open-topic post-doc fellowships, incl. 10 fellowships at TUM, within EuroTechPostdoc2 Programme 2nd Call opens 30. November 2021, Deadline 24. February 2022

We are pleased to announce the first call for 10 postdoctoral positions at TUM within theEuroTechPostdoc Programme2. We kindly invite you to use your international networks and collaborations to recruit the best talented young scientists in your research community for aEuroTechPostdoc fellowship at TUM. 

EuroTech Universities Alliance, a strategic partnership of six leading universities of science and technology, supports the career development of young high-potential researchers with a postdoctoral fellowship programme worth €12.7 million. Within this ‘EuroTechPostdoc2’ programme (ETPD2) – co-funded by EU’s Horizon 2020 – the universities will offer seventy grants to postdoctoral researchers over the next five years, who will receive trainings on multidisciplinary research and entrepreneurship, and exchange opportunities with the involved partners. The fellows will have access to the research expertise and infrastructures across the EuroTech Universities and benefit from various entrepreneurship and mobility opportunities in the academic and non-academic sector. 


The research thematic is open to all areas within the Alliance enabling the exploration of emerging and promising fields and promoting new interdisciplinary research collaborations. Fellows may freely choose a research topic and the appropriate organisations to host them, fitting their individual needs and ambitions. 


Who can apply?

-          Applicants must hold a PhD degree from a recognised university or must be able to show that they will hold one at the time of the deadline of the call, or have 4 years of full-time research experience at the time of the deadline of the call.

-          Applicants must fulfil the MSCA transnational mobility rules at the deadline of the call. More in particular: researchers may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the host organization for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the call deadline. Time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention, compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.

-          Applicants must be able to carry out full time research during the fellowship period (parental leave, sick leave, military leave and care leave are accepted).

-          Research direction should follow the H2020 Ethics rules


Host and co-host

The EuroTech Universities Alliance is a strategic partnership consisting of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Technical University of Munich (TUM), École Polytechnique (L’X) and Technion Israel Institute of Technology.


The fellowships should include a host and a co-host. The fellows will be employed at the host university, while they do a secondment (up to 6 months) at the co-host university. 

Four universities within the Alliance can act as host university:

-          Technical University of Denmark (DTU),

-          L’École Polytechnique à Paris (l’X),

-          Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

-          Technical University of Munich (TUM)


All six universities can act as co-host university:

-          The four above, but also

-          École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

-          Technion Israel Institute of Technology (the Technion)



The selection process takes place entirely via an external reviewing board. At least three external experts will peer review and score all eligible applications.


What is funded?

Successful applications propose bottom-up collaborative research projects with one of the EuroTech Universities as main host and a second EuroTech University as co-host. The maximum duration of the collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects is 24 months.


The fellowship consists of a monthly salary for the postdoctoral researcher according to TVL 13. The ‘EuroTechPostdoc2’ fellowship provides a monthly contribution of EUR 2’740 to the salary of the postdoctoral researcher for up to 24 months. For applications listing TUM as the host institution,the remaining part of the salary will be complemented by TUM central fund. The host institution is expected to support the fellows with the necessary funds for research and travel.


Call opens

30 November 2021

The link for submission will be published on the programme’s website


Call deadline

24 February 2022.


For more information on the application process, please visit:
