Herzlich willkommen am Lehrstuhl für Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung

Welcome to the Chair of Land Management at TUM!


The Chair of Land Management is hosting the annual PLPR-Conference from the 18th until the 22nd of March 2024

The International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR) will hold its 18th annual conference from the 18th until the 22nd of March 2024 in Munich (Germany).
The event will be hosted by the Chair of Land Management of the Technical University of Munich.
Annual PLPR conferences provide an opportunity to present scholarship covering a broad array of topics residing at the intersection of planning, law, and/or property rights (such as land use regulation and governance, regional and local planning, urban development, etc.).

Find more information on the conference-website https://plpr2024.bole.ed.tum.de/



Joint paper of David Adade wins the IREBS-Dupuis Award for Affordable Housing

The paper 'Housing Finance Strategies for Low-Income Households in Secondary Cities: Contextualization Under Customary Tenure in Ghana' , co-authored by David Adade, Elias Danyi Kuusaana, Walter Timo de Vries and & Emmanuel Kofi Gavu, has won the IREBS-Dupuis Award for Affordable Housing.

Visit of Indonesian Land Agency to Munich

On 15 and 16 November, the Indonesian Land Agency (ATR/BPN) visited Munich in order to explore how to support the process of digitalisation in land registration.

Ethiopian delegation visits TUM to discuss land consolidation

On 25 October 2022, a delegation from Ethiopia visited the Chair of Land Management to discuss research and development in land consolidation.

Prof. Holger Magel sprach beim XXVII. FIG Kongress in Warschau über Aspekte der Stadt-Land-Partnerschaften und Fragen der Räumlichen Gerechtigkeit


Hat das Land jetzt wieder Zukunft?

Ländlicher Raum: Schlüsselrolle bei Bewältigung aktueller Krisen (ein Artikel von Holger Magel und Manfred Miosga)