BASAMAHWexpthekonEintrag Titel –✔✔–-●-2024-09-10 Integration of a Fuel Cell Powertrain into an Existing Aircraft Design Environment ✔–––-●-2024-09-10 Extension of the UNICADO engine database using GasTurb ––––---2024-09-10 Integration of a Method for Empirical Engine Design into an Existing Aircraft Design Environment –––✔---2024-08-21 Werkstudent/Praktikumssemester - Advanced Design/ Future Projects / Aircraft Design (m/w/d) ––✔–---2024-07-15 Thesis in the Field of Aerostructural Wing Design at Bauhaus Luftfahrt ✔–✔–---2024-07-12 Untersuchungen zur langfristigen Entwicklung der Lärmimmissionen am Flughafen München –––✔---2023-09-15 Studentische Hilfskraft für das Praktikum "CAD im Flugzeugbau - CATIA V5" gesucht –✔✔–---2022-04-28 Implementation of an Aeroelastic Coupling Method for Flutter Simulation of Sailplanes ––✔–-●-2022-04-25 Implementation of an Aerodynamic Solver for Aeroelastic Simulation of Sailplanes –✔✔–-●-2021-10-25 Aeroakustische Modellierung eines eVTOL UAVs –✔✔–-●-2021-10-25 Aerodynamische und aeroakustische Propellervalidierung