Wegner, J.; Auer, S.; Soergel, U.: Extraction and Geometrical Accuracy of Double-bounce Lines in High Resolution SAR Images. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 76 (9), 2010, 1071-1080 mehr…
Auer, Stefan; Balz, Timo; Becker, Susanne; Bamler, Richard: 3D SAR Simulation of Urban Areas Based on Detailed Building Models. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 76 (12), 2010, 1373-1384 mehr…
Palubinskas, G.; Reinartz, P.; Bamler, R.: Image acquisition geometry analysis for the fusion of optical and radar remote sensing data. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion 1 (3), 2010, 271-282 mehr…
Gernhardt, Stefan; Adam, Nico; Eineder, Michael; Bamler, Richard: Potential of Very High Resolution SAR for Persistent Scatterer Interferometry in Urban Areas. Annals of GIS 16 (2), 2010, 103-111 mehr…
Cong, X.; Minet, C.; Eineder, M.: Deformation Monitoring using SAR Interferometry on the Azores within Exupéry Project. In: Proceedings of FRINGE 2009 Workshop, 2009 mehr…