
The urban morphology on our planet — Global perspectives from space @

Urbanization can be seen as the second-largest global megratrend right after Climate Change. According to UN, approximately three-fourths of the worlds' population will live in urban areas by 2050, while one-third will occupy large cities above 500,000 citizens already by 2030. This is no surprise. Of course, the urban space provides jobs, education, dense social networks, diversity, or numerous cultural offers. What sounds like advantages, often leads to numerous disadvantages that citizens tend to face in rural areas nowadays. The extreme urbanization rates, however, cause challenges to the society growing in cities. Meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse population can quickly be challenged by complexly interconnected challenges of the socio-economic domain or the Earth-system itself...

Do you want to continue reading? Then, visit Urban AI's section on, and read Tobias' full article.

Also, you may be interested in reading Zhu et al., “The urban morphology on our planet–Global perspectives from space,” Remote Sens. Environ., vol. 269, p. 112794, 2022.