Doctoral Thesis

Piccioni, Gaia (2021): Exploit satellite altimetry to improve coastal tide estimation, TUM, 03. Febr. 2021

Poropat, Lea (2020), Importance of numerical ocean modelling and in situ ocean bottom pressure observations for satellite gravimetry from GRACE and GRACE-FO, Freie Universität Berlin, July 16, 2020,

Springer, Anne (2019), A water storage reanalysis over the European continent: assimilation of GRACE data into a high-resolution hydrological model and validation; Universität Bonn, 2019,

Sulzbach, Roman Lucas (2023): Versatile Hydrodynamic Modelling of Global Ocean Tides and their Derived Variables for Geodesy and Paleo Sea Level Reconstruction, Freie Universität Berlin, November 15, 2023,