Piccioni G., Dettmering D., Seitz F. (2019): Analysis of global ocean tide models in critical are-as with focus on EOT19 preliminary model. European Geosciences Union (EGU) Gen-eral Assembly 2019, Vienna
Pail, R.; Dobslaw, H.; Eicker, A.; Jensen, L.: Recovering climate-related mass transport signals by current and next-generation gravity missions. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 2020
Sulzbach R., Dobslaw H., Thomas M. (2020): Novel ocean tide solutions for application in satellite gravimetry including minor tides. GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting, 10.5194/gstm2020-39, 2020
Abrykosov P., Sulzbach R., Pail R., Dobslaw H., Thomas M. (2021): Treatment of ocean tide background model errors in GRACE/GRACE-FO data processing. Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, Beijing, 2021
Abrykosov, P.; Sulzbach, R.; Pail, R.: Treatment of ocean tide background model errors in GRACE/GRACE-FO data processing. Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, 2021
Hart-Davis M., Dettmering D., Schwatke C., Passaro M., Seitz F. : EOT20: Improvements made to ocean tide estimations from coastal altimetry . ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022 (Poster)
Schlaak, M.; Pail, R.; Jensen, L.; Eicker, A.: Recoverability of Climate-Related Mass Transport Signals in Cur-rent and Next-Generation Satellite Gravity Missions. ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022
Schlaak, M., Pail, R.: Applying Selected Parameter Models to Current and Next-Generation Satellite Gravity Mission Simulations to Retrieve Climate-Related Mass Transport Long-Term Trend, Gravity Geoid and Height Systems 2022 Symposium - GGHS2022, 2022
Shihora, L., Sulzbach, R. and Dobslaw, H.: Self-Attraction and Loading Feedback on Ocean Dynamics in both Shallow Water Equations and Primitive Equations, AGU Fall Meeting 2022, online
Sulzbach, R., Voigt, C., Timmen, L., Dobslaw, H., What do near-coastal gravimeters measure?, TerraQ General Assembly, 2022
Hart-Davis M., Howard S., Ray R., Andersen O., Padman L., Nilsen F., Dettmering D.: ArcTiCA: Arctic Tidal Constituent Atlas. 28th IUGG General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, 2023 (Poster)
Hart-Davis M., Howard S., Ray R., Andersen O., Padman L., Nilsen F., Dettmering D.: ArcTiCA: Arctic Tidal Constituent Atlas. Ocean Surface Topography Science Team meeting 2023
Hart-Davis M., Howard S., Ray R., Andersen O., Padman L., Nilsen F., Dettmering D.: ArcTiCA: Arctic Tidal Constituent Atlas. Nansen Legacy Symposium 2023
Hart-Davis M.G., Ray R., Bordas Diaz L., Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Seitz F.: Towards the optimisation of altimetry corrections for improved ocean tide modelling. EGU General Assembly 2023, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1260, 2023.
Liu L, Schindelegger M. : Toward Monitoring Atlantic Overturning Circulation and Transport Variability with Satellite Gravimetry-based Ocean Bottom Pressure Observations. Bad Honnef Physics School, Physics of the Ocean, Germany, 2023.
Shihora, L., Liu, Z., Balidakis, K., Dill, R., and Dobslaw, H.: Stability of AOD1B RL07, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5115, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5115, 2023.
Shihora, L., Liu, Z., Balidakis, K., Dill, R., Dobslaw, H. (2023): Updated Uncertainty Assessment for the Atmosphere and Ocean Non-Tidal De-Aliasing Level-1B Product RL07, XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (Berlin 2023). https://doi.org/10.57757/IUGG23-1659
Shihora, L., Balidakis, K., Dill, R., Dobslaw, H.: Atmosphere and Ocean De-Aliasing Level-1B Product RL07, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2023, 16. - 18.10.2023, Boulder, CO, USA
Dobslaw, H., Shihora, L., Sulzbach, R., Dahle, C., Hauk, M., Murböck, M., Panafidina, P., Wilms, J. & Flechtner, F.: Signal and Noise over the Oceans in Present-Day GRACE/GRACE-FO Gravity Fields, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, 11. - 15.12.2023, San Francisco, CA, USA
Liu, L. and Schindelegger, M.: Recovering North Atlantic meridional transport variability from bottom pressure anomalies – a revisit, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11024, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11024, 2024.