- Estimates of Te from PreCambrian Shields using GOCE gravity. Proc. '5th International GOCE User Workshop', Paris, France, 25-28 November 2014 (ESA SP-728), 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Simulation of Facade Reference Data for 3D SAR Algorithms. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE International, IEEE, 2015 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Absolute 4-D Positioning of Persistent Scatterers with TerraSAR-X by applying Geodetic Stereo SAR. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE International, IEEE, 2015 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Droughts and floods in the La Plata basin in soil moisture data and GRACE. Remote Sensing 7, 2015, 7324-7349 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Spatial and spectral representations of the geoid-to-quasigeoid correction. Surveys in Geophysics 36 (5, 627-658), 2015 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Results from the TWIN Commissioning Phase. Proceedings of the 22nd European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Results from a test realization of a system monitoring for seamless auxiliary data. Proceedings of the 22nd European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- The German Antarctic Receiving Station O'Higgins - upgrades of the VLBI-capabilities for future challenges. Proceedings of the 22nd European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- The southern hemisphere AUSTRAL program: A pathway to VGOS. Proceedings of the 22nd European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Scheduling of VLBI observations to satellites with the Vienna VLBI Software (VieVS). Proceedings of the 22nd European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- GLONASS-VLBI: Onsala-Wettzell test observations. Proceedings of the 22nd European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Assessment of GOCE Geopotential Models. Newton's Bulletin. International Association of Geodesy and International Gravity Field Service, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Estimates of Te for continental regions using GOCE gravity. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 428, 2015, 97-107 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Article: Regional modeling of ionospheric peak parameters using GNSS data—An update for IRI. Advances in Space Research 55 (8), 2015, 1981–1993 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- CHAMP-, GRACE-, GOCE-Satellite Projects – 29-1. In: Encyclopedia of Geodesy. Springer International Publishing, 2015 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Geometrical reference systems. In: Handbook of Geomathematics (Second Edition). Springer, 2015, 1-35 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Using B-spline expansions for ionosphere modeling. In: Handbook of Geomathematics (Second Edition). Springer, 2015, 939-983 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- DAHITI – an innovative approach for estimating water level time series over inland waters using multi-mission satellite altimetry. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 19 (10), 2015, 4345-4364 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Virtual Constellations of Next Generation Gravity Missions. Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2015, mehr… BibTeX
- Ionosphere modeling from GPS radio occultations and complementary data based on B-splines. Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2015, mehr… BibTeX
- Feasibility Study of a Future Satellite Gravity Mission Using GEO-LEO Line-of-Sight Observations. Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems. Proceedings of the IAG Symposium GGHS2012, October 9-12, 2012, Venice, Italy. Part III. IAG Symposia, 2015 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Gravity field processing with enhanced numerical precision for LL-SST missions. Journal of Geodesy 2015 (89), 2015, 99-110 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Enhanced solar radiation pressure modeling for Galileo satellites. Journal of Geodesy 89 (3), 2015, 283-297 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Separation of atmospheric, oceanic and hydrological polar motion excitation mechanisms based on a combination of geometric and gravimetric space observations. Journal of Geodesy 89 (4), 2015, 377-390 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- A consistent combination of GNSS and SLR with minimum constraints. Journal of Geodesy 89 (12), 2015, 1165-1180 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
Ingenieurinstitut für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie
Das Ingenieurinstitut besteht aus:
Lehrstuhl für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie
Univ.-Prof. Dr.techn. Mag.rer.nat. Roland Pail
Professur für Satellitengeodäsie
Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil.nat. Urs Hugentobler