Ingenieurinstitut für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie

Das Ingenieurinstitut besteht aus:

Lehrstuhl für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie

Univ.-Prof. Dr.techn. Mag.rer.nat. Roland Pail

Professur für Satellitengeodäsie

Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil.nat. Urs Hugentobler

aktuelle Publikationen

  • Schildknecht, T.; Hugentobler, U.; Verdun, A.: Algorithms for Optical Detection of Fast Moving Objects. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Positional Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics, Cue, Cristobal Serrano Villalba, 1994Rothacher, private Liste mehr… BibTeX
  • Mervart, L.; Beutler, G.; Rothacher, M.; Wild, U.: Ambiguity resolution strategies using the results of the International GPS Geodynamics Service (IGS). Bulletin Géodésique 68 (1), 1994, 29-38 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Xu, P.; Rummel, R.: A simulation study of smoothness methods in recovery of regional gravity fields. Geophysical Journal International 117 (2), 1994, 472-486 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Sneeuw, N.: Global spherical harmonic analysis by least-squares and numerical quadrature methods in historical perspective. Geophysical Journal International 118 (3), 1994, 707-716 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Xu, P.; Rummel, R.: Generalized ridge regression with applications in determination of potential fields. manuscripta geodaetica 20 (1), 1994, 8-20 mehr… BibTeX
  • Sigl, R.: Bayerische Kommission für die Internationale Erdmessung der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mitteilungsblatt DVW-Bayern 46 (1), 1994, 103-121 mehr… BibTeX
  • Beutler, G.; Brockmann, E.; Gurtner, W.; Hugentobler, U.; Mervart, L.; Rothacher, M.; Verdun, A.: Extended orbit modeling techniques at the CODE processing center of the International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS): theory and initial results. manuscripta geodaetica 19 (6), 1994, 367-386 mehr… BibTeX
  • Sigl, R.: In memoriam: Wolf Helmut (1910-1994). Bulletin Géodésique 68 (4), 1994, 237-238 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
  • Müller, J.; Schneider, M.; Schreiber, U.; Soffel, M.; Ruder, H.: Determination of Earth rotation (UT0-UTC) and variation of latitude by analyzing lunar laser ranging data. In: Charlot, P. (Hrsg.): IERS Technical Note. , 1994, M-1-M-5 mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
  • Rothacher, M.; Beutler, G.; Brockmann, E.; Gurtner, W.; Mervart, L.; Weber, R.; Wild, U.; Wiget, A.; Seeger, H.; Boucher, C.: Annual Report of the CODE Analysis Center for 1993. In: Charlot, P. (Hrsg.): Earth orientation, reference frames and atmospheric excitation functions submitted for the 1993 IERS Annual Report, IERS Technical Note. , 1994, P-1-P-14 mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
  • Brockmann, E.; Beutler, G.; Gurtner, W.; Rothacher, M.; Springer, T.; Mervart, L.: Solutions using European GPS Observations produced at the "Center for Orbit Determination in Europe" (CODE) during the 1992 IGS Campaign. Proceedings of the IGS Workshop in Bern, March 25-26, 1993, 1993 mehr… BibTeX
  • Schlüter, W.; Schreiber, U.; Haufe, K.-H.; Meier, W.; Riepl, S.: Two-Colour Laserranging to Artificial Satellites for the Correction of Atmospheric Refraction. First Working Meeting on Hydrogen Maser Clocks in Space for Solid Earth Research and Time Transfer Applications, Collected Papers and Presentations, June 29th and 30th 1993, ESTEC, Noordwijk, 1993 mehr… BibTeX
  • Rothacher, M.; Beutler, G.; Gurtner, W.; Schildknecht, T.; Wild, U.: Bernese GPS Software Version 3.4. 1993 mehr… BibTeX
  • Koop, R.; Rummel, R.; Schrama, E.J.O.: Combination of GPS and SSG: Error Modelling and Effects on Global Recovery. ESA, 1993, mehr… BibTeX
  • Schneider, M.: Himmelsmechanik, Band II: Systemmodelle. BI Wissenschaftsverlag, 1993 mehr… BibTeX
  • Sigl, R.: Bayerische Kommission für die Internationale Erdmessung. In: Jahrbuch der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1992. , 1993, 170-172 mehr… BibTeX
  • Gruber, T.; Anzenhofer, M.: The GFZ 360 gravity field model. Proceedings of Session G3 - European Geophysical Society XVIII General Assembly, Geodetic Division Kort-og Matrikelstyrelsen, 1993 mehr… BibTeX
  • Kalafut, M.; Gurtner, W.; Rothacher, M.; Beutler, G.; Brockmann, E.: The Czech/Slovak Part of the EUREF-POL '92 GPS Campaign: Processing and Relation to the ITRF-91 and EUREF-89. Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on 'GPS in Central Europe', Penc, Hungary, April 27-29,, Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing; Satellite Geodesy Obs., 1993 mehr… BibTeX
  • Mervart, L.; Beutler, G.; Rothacher, M.; Wild, U.: Ambiguity Resolution Strategies using the Results of the International GPS Geodynamics Service (IGS). Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on 'GPS in Central Europe', Penc, Hungary, April 27-29,, Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing; Satellite Geodetic Obs., 1993 mehr… BibTeX
  • Rothacher, M.; Beutler, G.; Brockmann, E.; Gurtner, W.; Springer, T. A.: Results of the 'CODE' Processing Center after more than one Year of Routine IGS Data Analysis. International Association of Geodesy General Meeting, Beijing, China, 8-13 August 1993, Book of Abst, Chinese Society for Geodesy, Photogrammetry & Cartography, 1993 mehr… BibTeX
  • Blaser, J.-P.; Bye, M.; Cavallo, G.; Damour, T.; Everitt, C.W.F.; Hedin, A.; Hellings, R.W.; Jafry, Y.; Laurance, R.; Lee, M.; Nobili, A.M.; Paik, H.J.; Reinhard, R.; Rummel, R.; Sandford, M.C.W.; Speake, C.; Spencer, L.; Swanson, P.; Worden jr., P.W.: STEP - Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle. NASA & ESA, 1993, mehr… BibTeX
  • Springer, T.; Beutler, G.; Brockmann, E.; Gurtner, W.; Rothacher, M.: Results of the CODE Processing Center from 21 June 1992 to April 1993. 1993 mehr… BibTeX
  • Beutler, G.; Rothacher, M.: GPS Satellite Orbits - Experiences Based on one Year of IGS Operations. 1993 mehr… BibTeX
  • Gruber, T.; Anzenhofer, M.; Reigber, C.; Rentsch, M.: ERS-1 altimeter data processing at GFZ/D-PAF: recent results and future plans. 1993 mehr… BibTeX
  • Hugentobler, U.; Beutler, G.: Resonance Phenomena in the Global Positioning System. Proceedings of the Conference on Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics, Poznan, 1993Rothacher, private Liste mehr… BibTeX